Saturday, June 15, 2019

Career Path Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Career Path Analysis - Essay Example1). To be applicable in this discourse, the career path analysis for students who are truely enrolled at the London College of Communication (LLC) would be structured by initially presenting (1) where 1 has been, (2) what activities are currently undertaken and the reasons for engaging in them, and (3) where one envisions oneself in the future. Where One Has Been The current author of this career path analysis have had a challenging personal background being raised and trained to become a trusty person bill of fareh commitment and dedication to the adherence of ethical and moral codes of conduct. The value and respect for other cultures have been ingrained in ones lift consistent with Sumners (1960) contention that each culture must be seen in its own terms, and the worth of a custom can be judged lone(prenominal) by the contribution it makes to the culture to which it is a part. The values, beliefs and preferences learned from the family and from ones national culture have continued to be manifested in the way one interrelates with other from diverse cultural orientations. Socio-cultural values have played classic roles in ones view of motivation and behavior. The family, particularly ones parents, is the most influential force and reason to achieve. One has acknowledged that certain motives come about as a result of the cultural environment in which a person lives. School administrators and faculty members, as well as academic colleagues, should understand that these are some of the motives that the author brings along the academe. Such motives volition affect how one would view tasks and responsibilities and how important it is personally perceived. A remuneration of ones motives recognized parallelism with McClellands (1961) more important motives, to wit the achievement motive, the affiliation motive and the power motive. The desire to achieve and accomplish is gauged to be high with an intense drive to succeed. One works had and take calculate risks. There is a personal responsibility for getting an academic requirement well done. Concrete feedback is appreciated to determine how well one is doing. Accomplishment is important for ones own sake, not for the rewards that follow it. Activities Currently Engaged Being part of the LLC is an instrumental move toward the accomplishment of personal and professional goals delimitate according to the personal motives that drive ones thrust. People have a variety of needs and needs manifest themselves in many forms. The possibleness of Maslows hierarchy of needs clearly depict that satisfaction of lower level needs cease to act as motivators (Maslow, 1954). From one culture to another, the similar needs may exist but in different intensities and in a different hierarchy. Ones culture exemplifies a strong esthesis of belonging. Despite realization that enrolling at LLC would be a personal sacrifice to live away from ones family, the strong desire for achievement and sounding beyond the academic pursuit is seen as a more intense need which would eventually lead to self-actualization. Further, interest in the realm of media, advertising and marketing provided the impetus to be an active part of LLC.

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