Saturday, June 1, 2019

Investigation into elastic potential energy :: essays research papers fc

Why and What I hope to achieveI believe that the purpose of doing this is to allow me to demonstrate my understanding of Elastic potential muscle. And the rocket concepts of the effect of changing potential into kinetic energy and for me to demonstrate my ability to apply elastic potential energy to a scientific investigation.What am I going to do and what will it proveI am going to use an elastic band and release it from different tensions I will then(prenominal) measure how far it &8216flies&8217.Doing this will tell me the relationship between force, potential energy and kinetic energy.My PredictionI predict that the further I pull the band back the further it will &8216fly&8217. This is based on the fact that the more tension involved means that the potential energy is greater therefore the kinetic/moving energy will also be greater.VariablesForce to pull the band back. This will be between 3 and 11 northward&8217s.EquationsDistance = SpeedTimeSpeed = Time DistanceTime = Dista nce SpeedI also have Equations for EPE in my research.Method1)Attach an elastic band to the hook on the end of a Newton metre and stretch the band until the Newton metre reads terzetto Newton&8217s2)Then Release the band and see how far it flies.3)Measure using a metre stick how far the band has travelled.4) paraphrase this same test three time in order to gather and average later on.5)The repeat this test using forces of 5, 7, 9 and 11 Newton&8217s.6)Remember to repeat each test on each force three times.7)Then collect the mean average using the results you received from reiterate each of the tests.Fair TestI will make sure this is a fair test byUsing the same band each timeUsing the same height at which to release the bandRepeat each test three times so that we gat a reasonable result and in the case of getting a &8216freak&8217 result I will repeat that test.Same place &8211 Draught&8217s, come aliveSame angle when band is releasedThings to take into accountThe band will &8216 age&8217 therefore losing some of its elasticity and tension.If it didn&8217t hit the ground it would belike go further.Use the same Newton metre and have the same person reading it.There might be a breeze of envelop of some sort either flowing with the band or against it.Temperature of roomAny possible obstructions or anything else that make effect the general momentum e.g. Doors interruption windows being open or shut.Angle, position and height you release the band from.

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