Sunday, June 9, 2019

Religion in The Lord of the Rings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Religion in The Lord of the sound - Essay ExampleJ.R.R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings has always been a highly regarded withstand among fans and critics alike, but when it was made into a movie trilogy it became a cultural phenomenon. The themes in The Lord of the Rings are powerful and universal in their nature and although religion is not explicitly mentioned, religious undertones can be observed throughout both the book and the movie. Urang agrees when he states, The Lord of the Rings, although it contains no God, no Christ, and no Christians, embodies much of Tolkiens real religion and is a profoundly a Christian work (180). Perhaps the success of The Lord of the Rings as a religious medium is due to the fact that it is subtle in its Christian themes and isnt what one might call a preachy Christian book. One theme that we find throughout The Lord of the Rings is the longing that many of the characters perplex to retrieve to a former age where the world was a better and happi er place. For instance, Gimli longs to see the former glory of the home of his ancestors. The elves also long for a return to the Elder Days before evil and darkness came into the world. Basically, there is an overall tone that the world is in a fallen state.... Because Christians believe the world is in a broken and evil state, there is a need for someone to rise up and save the world from permanent darkness and despair. Three characters in the Lord of the Rings who fit this Savior role are Gandalf, Aragorn, and Frodo. Gandalf is very God-like and is similar to the Nazarene. When he falls in Moria, he descends to the lowest parts of the earth. He then has a great struggle with an evil foe. When he defeats the Balrog, he is at the peak of a mountain. Later, he is transformed and becomes Gandalf the White. Similarly, as the Bible says, Jesus Christ descended below all things so that he could rise above all things. After he ascended to heaven he returned to earth as a resurrected and exalted being. Gandalf is also Christ-like in that he guides and counsels Frodo and other members of the fellowship along their expedition. Similarly, Christians believe that Christ is always with us, guiding and counseling with us in our have lives. As Frodo says in the movie, The Fellowship of the Ring, I will take the ring to Mordor, though I do not know the way. To which Gandalf responds, I will succor you bear this burden (2001). Christians believe that Christ does something similar when we choose to embark on a worthy task he bears our burdens for us so the journey is not so difficult. Another instance where Gandalf shows Christ-like attributes is when he casts out the presence of Saruman from the King, Theoden. This is similar to the Bible when Christ displays his ability to cast out devils. After Gandalf casts murder Sarumans influence, Theoden is healed and his mind is cleared. Christ is also a great healer and restores people to their proper selves. Aragorn possesses

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